Recommendations with IBM 😺
Udacity project with IBM Watson Studio platform data
- Part I : Exploratory Data Analysis
- Part II: Rank-Based Recommendations
- Part III: User-User Based Collaborative Filtering
- Part IV: Matrix Factorization
- Conclusion
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import project_tests as t
import pickle
%matplotlib inline
df = pd.read_csv('data/user-item-interactions.csv')
df_content = pd.read_csv('data/articles_community.csv')
del df['Unnamed: 0']
del df_content['Unnamed: 0']
# Show df to get an idea of the data
Explore and remove duplicate articles from the df_content dataframe.
df_content = df_content.drop_duplicates(subset=['article_id'])
len(df_content[df_content.duplicated(subset=['article_id'])]) # check
find the most viewed article_id, as well as how often it was viewed.
def email_mapper():
coded_dict = dict()
cter = 1
email_encoded = []
for val in df['email']:
if val not in coded_dict:
coded_dict[val] = cter
return email_encoded
email_encoded = email_mapper()
del df['email']
df['user_id'] = email_encoded
# show header
Part II: Rank-Based Recommendations
Unlike in the earlier lessons, we don't actually have ratings for whether a user liked an article or not. We only know that a user has interacted with an article. In these cases, the popularity of an article can really only be based on how often an article was interacted with.
return the n top articles ordered with most interactions as the top.
def get_top_articles(n, df=df):
n - (int) the number of top articles to return
df - (pandas dataframe) df as defined at the top of the notebook
top_articles - (list) A list of the top 'n' article titles
# Your code here
result = []
top_articles_idx = df['article_id'].value_counts().index[:n]
for id in top_articles_idx:
return result # Return the top article titles from df (not df_content)
def get_top_article_ids(n, df=df):
n - (int) the number of top articles to return
df - (pandas dataframe) df as defined at the top of the notebook
top_articles - (list) A list of the top 'n' article titles
# Your code here
return list(df['article_id'].value_counts().index[:n]) # Return the top article ids
Part III: User-User Based Collaborative Filtering
reformat the df dataframe to be shaped with users as the rows and articles as the columns.
- If a user has interacted with an article, then place a 1 where the user-row meets for that article-column. It does not matter how many times a user has interacted with the article, all entries where a user has interacted with an article should be a 1.
- If a user has not interacted with an item, then place a zero where the user-row meets for that article-column.
def create_user_item_matrix(df):
df - pandas dataframe with article_id, title, user_id columns
user_item - user item matrix
Return a matrix with user ids as rows and article ids on the columns with 1 values where a user interacted with
an article and a 0 otherwise
# Fill in the function here
#user_item = pd.pivot_table(df, index=['user_id'], columns=['article_id'], values=['title'],aggfunc=[np.sum], fill_value=0)
user_item = df.groupby(['user_id',
return user_item # return the user_item matrix
user_item = create_user_item_matrix(df)
take a user_id and provide an ordered list of the most similar users to that user (from most similar to least similar). The returned result should not contain the provided user_id, as we know that each user is similar to him/herself. Because the results for each user here are binary, it (perhaps) makes sense to compute similarity as the dot product of two users.
def find_similar_users(user_id, user_item=user_item):
user_id - (int) a user_id
user_item - (pandas dataframe) matrix of users by articles:
1's when a user has interacted with an article, 0 otherwise
similar_users - (list) an ordered list where the closest users (largest dot product users)
are listed first
Computes the similarity of every pair of users based on the dot product
Returns an ordered
# compute similarity of each user to the provided user
# sort by similarity
similarities =[user_id-1]).sort_values(ascending=False)
# create list of just the ids
ids = similarities.index
# remove the own user's id
most_similar_users = ids
return list(most_similar_users.drop(user_id)) # return a list of the users in order from most to least similar
return the articles you would recommend to each user.
def get_article_names(article_ids, df=df):
article_ids - (list) a list of article ids
df - (pandas dataframe) df as defined at the top of the notebook
article_names - (list) a list of article names associated with the list of article ids
(this is identified by the title column)
article_names = []
for i in article_ids:
article_names += list(df[df['article_id'].astype(str) == i]['title'].unique())
return article_names # Return the article names associated with list of article ids
def get_user_articles(user_id, user_item=user_item):
user_id - (int) a user id
user_item - (pandas dataframe) matrix of users by articles:
1's when a user has interacted with an article, 0 otherwise
article_ids - (list) a list of the article ids seen by the user
article_names - (list) a list of article names associated with the list of article ids
(this is identified by the doc_full_name column in df_content)
Provides a list of the article_ids and article titles that have been seen by a user
# Your code here
article_ids = user_item.iloc[user_id-1]
article_ids = [i for i in article_ids[article_ids == 1].index.astype(str)]
article_names = get_article_names(article_ids)
return article_ids, article_names # return the ids and names
def user_user_recs(user_id, m=10):
user_id - (int) a user id
m - (int) the number of recommendations you want for the user
recs - (list) a list of recommendations for the user
Loops through the users based on closeness to the input user_id
For each user - finds articles the user hasn't seen before and provides them as recs
Does this until m recommendations are found
Users who are the same closeness are chosen arbitrarily as the 'next' user
For the user where the number of recommended articles starts below m
and ends exceeding m, the last items are chosen arbitrarily
# Your code here
recs = set()
i = 0
user_articles, _ = get_user_articles(user_id)
while len(recs) < m:
similar_user_ids = find_similar_users(user_id)
similar_user_articles, _ = get_user_articles(similar_user_ids[i])
i += 1
return list(recs)[:m] # return your recommendations for this user_id
get_article_names(user_user_recs(1, 10)) # Return 10 recommendations for user 1
improve the consistency of the user_user_recs function from above.
- Instead of arbitrarily choosing when we obtain users who are all the same closeness to a given user - choose the users that have the most total article interactions before choosing those with fewer article interactions.
- Instead of arbitrarily choosing articles from the user where the number of recommended articles starts below m and ends exceeding m, choose articles with the articles with the most total interactions before choosing those with fewer total interactions. This ranking should be what would be obtained from the top_articles function you wrote earlier.
def get_top_sorted_users(user_id, df=df, user_item=user_item):
user_id - (int)
df - (pandas dataframe) df as defined at the top of the notebook
user_item - (pandas dataframe) matrix of users by articles:
1's when a user has interacted with an article, 0 otherwise
neighbors_df - (pandas dataframe) a dataframe with:
neighbor_id - is a neighbor user_id
similarity - measure of the similarity of each user to the provided user_id
num_interactions - the number of articles viewed by the user - if a u
Other Details - sort the neighbors_df by the similarity and then by number of interactions where
highest of each is higher in the dataframe
# Your code here
similar_user = pd.DataFrame(find_similar_users(user_id))
num_interactions = df['user_id'].value_counts()
similarities =[user_id-1]).sort_values(ascending=False)
neighbors_df = num_interactions.to_frame(name='num_interactions').merge(pd.DataFrame(similarities).drop(user_id).reset_index(), right_on="user_id", left_index=True)
neighbors_df = neighbors_df.sort_values(by=[0, 'num_interactions'], ascending=False)
neighbors_df = neighbors_df.rename(columns={0:"similarity","user_id":"neighbor_id"})
return neighbors_df # Return the dataframe specified in the doc_string
def user_user_recs_part2(user_id, m=10):
user_id - (int) a user id
m - (int) the number of recommendations you want for the user
recs - (list) a list of recommendations for the user by article id
rec_names - (list) a list of recommendations for the user by article title
Loops through the users based on closeness to the input user_id
For each user - finds articles the user hasn't seen before and provides them as recs
Does this until m recommendations are found
* Choose the users that have the most total article interactions
before choosing those with fewer article interactions.
* Choose articles with the articles with the most total interactions
before choosing those with fewer total interactions.
# Your code here
recs = []
top_df = get_top_sorted_users(user_id)
user_article_ids, _ = get_user_articles(user_id)
i = 0
while len(recs) < m:
similar_user_articles, _ = get_user_articles(top_df['neighbor_id'][i])
possible_recommendations = (list(set([str(j) for j in similar_user_articles])-set(user_article_ids)))
top_articles = list(df[df['article_id'].isin(possible_recommendations)]['article_id'].value_counts(ascending=False).index.astype(str))
recs += top_articles
i += 1
recs = recs[:m]
rec_names = get_article_names(recs)
return recs, rec_names
rec_ids, rec_names = user_user_recs_part2(20, 10)
print("The top 10 recommendations for user 20 are the following article ids:")
print("The top 10 recommendations for user 20 are the following article names:")
user1_most_sim = (get_top_sorted_users(1)['neighbor_id'][0])# Find the user that is most similar to user 1
user131_10th_sim = (get_top_sorted_users(131)['neighbor_id'][9])# Find the 10th most similar user to user 131
We can use get_top_article_ids(n) function to recommend the top articles with most interactions. This will work in general cases since we can assume these articles were more interacted because it drew more people's interest. Another better way to make recommendation to new user may be to recommend top articles but in order of newest. The idea is that it is still popular and it reduces risk of recommending articles based on date it is created. (Since the longer it exists, the more chance it has more interactions than newer ones without much special attraction)
Part IV: Matrix Factorization
build use matrix factorization to make article recommendations to the users on the IBM Watson Studio platform.
user_item_matrix = pd.read_pickle('user_item_matrix.p')
u, s, vt = np.linalg.svd(user_item_matrix)# use the built in to get the three matrices
Remember that SVD require there are no NAN values!!
to get an idea of how the accuracy improves as we increase the number of latent features.
num_latent_feats = np.arange(10,700+10,20)
sum_errs = []
for k in num_latent_feats:
# restructure with k latent features
s_new, u_new, vt_new = np.diag(s[:k]), u[:, :k], vt[:k, :]
# take dot product
user_item_est = np.around(, s_new), vt_new))
# compute error for each prediction to actual value
diffs = np.subtract(user_item_matrix, user_item_est)
# total errors and keep track of them
err = np.sum(np.sum(np.abs(diffs)))
plt.plot(num_latent_feats, 1 - np.array(sum_errs)/df.shape[0]);
plt.xlabel('Number of Latent Features');
plt.title('Accuracy vs. Number of Latent Features');
Train test split
df_train = df.head(40000)
df_test = df.tail(5993)
def create_test_and_train_user_item(df_train, df_test):
df_train - training dataframe
df_test - test dataframe
user_item_train - a user-item matrix of the training dataframe
(unique users for each row and unique articles for each column)
user_item_test - a user-item matrix of the testing dataframe
(unique users for each row and unique articles for each column)
test_idx - all of the test user ids as list
test_arts - all of the test article ids as list
# Your code here
user_item_train = create_user_item_matrix(df_train)
user_item_test = create_user_item_matrix(df_test)
test_idx = list(set(user_item_test.index))
test_arts = list(set(user_item_test.columns))
return user_item_train, user_item_test, test_idx, test_arts
user_item_train, user_item_test, test_idx, test_arts = create_test_and_train_user_item(df_train, df_test)
print(len(test_idx) - len(user_item_test))
print(len(test_arts) - len(user_item_test.columns))
Now use the user_item_train dataset from above to find U, S, and V transpose using SVD. Then find the subset of rows in the user_item_test dataset that you can predict using this matrix decomposition with different numbers of latent features to see how many features makes sense to keep based on the accuracy on the test data.
u_train, s_train, vt_train = np.linalg.svd(user_item_train)
# fit svd similar to above then use the cells below
# decomposition to predict on test data
# train idx and articles
train_idx = np.array(user_item_train.index)
train_arts = np.array(user_item_train.columns)
# intersection between test idx, articles and train idx, articles
#test_idx_int = np.array(set(test_idx).intersection(set(train_idx))).sort()
#test_arts_int = np.array(set(test_arts).intersection(set(train_arts))).sort()
test_idx_int = np.intersect1d(test_idx, train_idx)
test_arts_int = np.intersect1d(test_arts, train_arts)
# user and article positions of test subset in training and vice versa
train_indexes = np.where(np.in1d(train_idx, test_idx_int))[0]
train_articles = np.where(np.in1d(train_arts, test_arts_int))[0]
test_indexes = np.where(np.in1d(test_idx, test_idx_int))[0]
test_articles = np.where(np.in1d(test_arts, test_arts_int))[0]
# subset of user_item matrix containing train and test set
u_item_test = user_item_test.iloc[test_indexes,:]
u_item_train = user_item_train.iloc[train_indexes, train_articles]
latent_feats = np.arange(10,570,10)
sum_errors = []
# iterate to find best number of latent_feats
for k in latent_feats:
# restructure with k latent features
s_new, u_new, vt_new = np.diag(s_train[:k]), u_train[:, :k], vt_train[:k, :]
# restructure test with k latent features
s_test_new, u_test_new, vt_test_new = s_new, u_new[train_indexes,:], vt_new[:,train_articles]
# take dot product
u_item_test_set_pred = np.around(, s_test_new), vt_test_new))
# compute error for each prediction to actual value
error = np.subtract(u_item_test, u_item_test_set_pred)
# total errors and keep track of them
total_error = np.sum(np.sum(np.abs(error)))
# Plot
dim = u_item_test.shape[0] * u_item_test.shape[1]
plt.plot(latent_feats, 1 - np.array(sum_errors) / dim);
plt.xlabel('Number of Latent Features');
plt.title('Accuracy vs. Number of Latent Features');
We can see that as the number of latent feature increases, the accuracy decreases. Which is a sign of overfitting since this is a plot of the test set. This can be explained by the small number of users who have both testing and training datasets. We conclude that it is robust enough to decide if our model is ready for deployment. To fix this problem, we can collect more data or use regularizations. In addition we can perform an online A/B testing to measure whether rank based recommendation system or matrix recommendation performs better. Note that our accuracy metrics may not be the best measure of our performance since it is so skewed that by just hard coding, we can correctly guess all except 20. Better metric to use may be precision/recall.
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